Hey, Wait. Shut Up.
Sweet misguided humans they are! - Devin Bateson A chill kickback where Travis and John talk about whatever comes to their mind, or the time John didn't eat for a week, or the time they only listened to T-Pain for a whole week. Don't tell our parents the bad words we say.
Hey, Wait. Shut Up.
Hey, Wait. Shut Up.
Episode 8
Weddings get the rebrand treatment from the chefs. Train lyrics make no sense until they do.
Topics of Discussion: bring your own bird, international water weddings, does Pat Monahan keep brains in a jar, five loko sponsorship.
Send us fan mail: heywaitshutup@gmail.com
Tweet us pics of your wedding: @HeyWaitShutUp
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Trick Randy Fenoli into listening to us!