Hey, Wait. Shut Up.
Sweet misguided humans they are! - Devin Bateson A chill kickback where Travis and John talk about whatever comes to their mind, or the time John didn't eat for a week, or the time they only listened to T-Pain for a whole week. Don't tell our parents the bad words we say.
26 episodes
Time Cube
The Chefs are back in town.. again.. Hear our thoughts on Times Cube, and our role in the Kazakhstan revolution .Topics of Discussion: Time Cube, the Age of a Mother, Gene RaySend us a screenshot of a review for our podcast and ...
Episode 25

Zero Bark Thirty (Father's Day Special)
Deep from the vault of unreleased Hey, Wait. Shut Up! content comes just what everyone wanted for Christmas. The HWSU Father's day spectacular. Listen as the chefs fix YouTube, play Real Dad, Step Dad, and talk about obscure sports.Gath...

Pesto Bismol
The Chefs are back in town.. again. Hear our thoughts on Megan's new business plans and review some lunchables with us.Topics of Discussion: pesto, pizza lunchables, energy drinksSend us a screenshot of a review for our podcast ...
Episode 23

The chefs rebrand the rebrands.Topics of Discussion: wood elves, craigslist rants and raves, cybernetics, indiana jones, the fountain of youth. Send us a screenshot of a review for our podcast and we'll send you merch or a shot ...
Episode 22

Goat Time
The chefs are back after a little vacation time.Topics of Discussion: goat rentals, niche lawn care markets, black market emus, where have we been? (Florida) Send us a screenshot of a review for our podcast and we'll ...
Episode 21

The Chefs rebrand the workplace. Topics of Discussion: horse simulator, taco bell X harley davidson, what would you do?, the return of strip club reviews. Send us a screenshot of a review for our podcast and we'l...
Episode 20

Hotdog Fit
The Chefs rebrand Crossfit Topics of Discussion: the 8 new rules of crossfit, Randy Watch 2.0, Trav's dog's new pet, meet the sports bitch, discuss cloud chasing Send us a screenshot of a review for our podcast and w...
Episode 19

The Good Fruits
The Chefs rebrand the US economy. Topics of Discussion: New Dolphin City, Improv based economy, fine art critiques, Fast food mascots. Send us a screenshot of a review for our podcast and we'll send you me...
Episode 18

Elmer's Horse
The Chefs rebrand a gentlemen's special bits. Topics of Discussion: Real American Heroes?: John McAfee, aesthetically pleasing packages, Good Will Hunting, a horse purchase is inadvertently made. Send us a screenshot...
Episode 17

Assassin's Creed: Mushroom Kingdom
The Chefs rebrand Super Mario Brothers. Topics of Discussion:Trav's Tip, RIP to John McAfee, Dark and Gritty Luigi's mansion, race horses, Drake, Indie bands, culinary innovation, forest beef. Send us a screensh...
Episode 16

The Magical Misfits
The Chefs rebrand a beloved children's tale that is read for some new ideas. Topics of Discussion: British Bat Boy, American Wizards, Victor's Secret, craigslist activities, seahorse teeth. Send us a scr...
Episode 15

Series of Tubes
The chefs concoct a way to fix the fad that is the internet. Topics of Discussion: Analog internet, strip club reviews, the return of real dad/stepdad, wish dot com survival kit, the yodeling pickle. Send...
Episode 14

Dunk Around And Find Out
The chefs whip up the fix to the new Dunkaroos so Travis can exact his revenge. Topics of Discussion: Tom Bombadil, shishito peppers, known titan of industry and local buffoon: Timothy Dexter, La Croixcs, LubriCAN. &nb...
Episode 13

Real Dad, Step Dad
The Chefs rebrand the new Rugrats reboot and things get heated.Topics of discussion: rattlesnake wrangling, used 2003 porsche cayennes, Tommy Dickles, strip club reviews, new drug PSAs. Send us your NFTs: heywaitshutup@gmail.com...
Episode 12

Milk Clothes
The Chefs rebrand milk to combat the terror that is the "Got Milk" campaign. Topics of discussion: whose that rapper, alternative milk, Sunchips, Paella, wish mystery bags. Send us love letters: heywaitshutup@gmail.com
Episode 11

Strawberries, Nuts, & Legumes
The Chefs reimagine what SNL could be to exact revenge on Elon Musk.Topics of discussion: Snails, Tallahassee Pain, berenstein bears, alternative timelines. Send us love letters: heywaitshutup@gmail.comTweet us pics of T...
Episode 10

BLORF-day Mini Episode
A special mini-episode for our favorite Canadian artist: Devin Bateson. The Chefs jam to some music off Devin's new album BLORF, out today see link below. They also celebrate Devin's birthday. Happy Birthday and BLORF-day Devin!Buy BLOR...
Episode 0

Weekend at Beezbos
The Chefs help Peloton get out from under their own dangerous treadmills.Topics of discussion: Five Loko: The Next Generation is here, John is a surprisingly competent bartender, Bilbo Gates, the Dead Deadmill+, return of the shapiro pi...
Episode 9

Weddings get the rebrand treatment from the chefs. Train lyrics make no sense until they do.Topics of Discussion: bring your own bird, international water weddings, does Pat Monahan keep brains in a jar, five loko sponsorship. S...
Episode 8

The Podcast West of the Pecos
The Chefs cook up some fixes for cryptocurrency. Topics of discussion: Judge Roy Bean, french cryptids, kermit conspiracy, Jim Henson Apocalypse.Send us hatemail: heywaitshutup@gmail.comTweet us pics of Jim Henson:
Episode 7

Bigger Bird
Professional Chefs John and Travis discuss avian culinary innovations, fix the wild world of Horse Sports, and ponder the curse of "Hey, Wait. Shut Up."Topics of discussion: Poison birds, The Hey, Wait. Shut Up. School for Wayward Horse...
Episode 6

Peebus is Not a Mermaid
The boys critique some fine art.Topics of discussion: Kim the Bounty Hunter, Peebus, Dolphin Kanye, National Treasure 3. Send us hatemail: heywaitshutup@gmail.comTweet us pics of Nicholas Cage:
Episode 5

The Four Lokos of the Apocalypse
The boys rebrand whiteboy summer and the results may surprise you.Topics of Discussion: Big Mouth Billy Bass, Four Loko Sommelier, Podcast Attire. Send us hatemail: heywaitshutup@gmail.comTweet us pics of Darius Ruck...
Episode 4