Hey, Wait. Shut Up.
Sweet misguided humans they are! - Devin Bateson A chill kickback where Travis and John talk about whatever comes to their mind, or the time John didn't eat for a week, or the time they only listened to T-Pain for a whole week. Don't tell our parents the bad words we say.
Hey, Wait. Shut Up.
BLORF-day Mini Episode
Hey, Wait. Shut Up.
Episode 0
Audio Player
00:00 | 24:07
A special mini-episode for our favorite Canadian artist: Devin Bateson. The Chefs jam to some music off Devin's new album BLORF, out today see link below. They also celebrate Devin's birthday. Happy Birthday and BLORF-day Devin!
Buy BLORF or else: https://devinbateson.bandcamp.com/album/blorf
Follow Devin: https://twitter.com/DeBateson
Follow us maybe: https://twitter.com/heywaitshutup